

 MY BLOG  My information Hello! My name is Danna Katherine Guzman Reyes, but you can call me Dani, that's what my friends say. Well, in this blog I want to tell you about me so that we can get to know each other. I was born on February 6, 2006, that means I am 15 years old (I know, I'm still little hehe), My parents are called Alejandro Guzman and my mother Mary Luz Reyes, I also have a brother, their names are Yeison Andrés and that It is my little main family, the Guzman Reyes family. But if we talk about my whole family in general, it is not very big to say, I have 10 uncles, on my father's side 4 uncles / aunts and on my mother's side I have 6 uncles / aunts, that means I have 8 cousins, With whom I only speak with 2 and it is my cousin Vale Reyes, who is 17 years old and my younger cousin Alison Albarracín who is 6 years old To decide what to call me, the list of names was almost endless since there were many that my parents were attracted to, they thought I would